Second Grade – For the Second Son

A Slightly Different Approach

Now, when it came to our second son going through 2nd grade, there were some differences. These additional aspects were added for our second son simply because our older son was in 4th grade at the time and was also doing these things. So, in essence, our 2nd son simply had to step up his learning game to a higher level in order to be involved. And he rose to the challenge (mainly because he didn’t know any differently)! J

Rod and Staff

For our youngest, I didn’t choose to go back through the My Father’s World…Adventures in US History in its entirety. But I did incorporate portions of it. (If you read about 4th grade, you’ll get a better explanation about this.) However, I did use Rod and Staff curriculum for Bible/Reading. This product uses the Bible reading to teach reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, etc. If you keep reading through the years on this blog, you will find this theme…how can I use one thing to teach multiple things (and therefore be efficient in the total learning time required). This product was the initial means of accomplishing that focus.  I have LOVED using Rod and Staff through several years and several subject areas (as you’ll see if you keep reading the blog). 

For our youngest, I also used Rod and Staff Phonics, English, and Spelling. The methods and layering of teaching the concepts is efficient, thought provoking (teaching one how to think), and yet simplistic.  Again, other curriculums/products effectively do the same thing, I just came across Rod and Staff first and have stuck with it in many areas for many years. Some other differences for our second son included incorporating geometry and time tests (from the internet), daily oral language editing, geography reviews, Brain Quest and brain teaser cards, Abeka Science and Abeka Health, and Rod and Staff Art. My mom also taught the boys a poetry unit.


Hopefully this helps give you some direction as to how you can begin piecing curriculums/products together for more than one student. Remember, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing homeschooling curriculum… what works for us may not work for you. This is simply a resource as to what worked for us and can hopefully give you some guidance and maybe more importantly, give you confidence that you can do it. You certainly don’t have to be perfect, you just have to take action and do your best. Your families reward will be great!!