(especially the toddler and elementary years….EXCELLENT suggestions)
Creative Correction…Lisa Whelchel
General Help
Boundaries with kids…Henry Cloud
Gary Ezzo…Babywise, Pre-toddler Wise, Toddler Wise, Teen Wise, etc. as well as Growing Kids God’s Way
Power of a Praying Parent…Stormie Omartian
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk …Adele Faber
The Way They Learn…Cynthia Tobias
The Five Love Languages…Gary Chapman. (There are multiple variations…”for teens”, “for men”, “for women”, etc)
Fathers and Sons, Stand Fast…Douglas Bond
The 10 Commandments of Dating…Ben Young and Dr. Samuel Adams
Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Mally
Grace Based Parenting…Dr. Tim Kimmel
Raising Kids for True Greatness…Dr. Tim Kimmel
Parenting (specifically about boys)…
Bringing Up Boys…James Dobson*
Boys Should Be Boys…Meg Meeker*
Good Devotionals for Early Years…(Great for reading out loud to children.)
Read N See DVD Bible by Stephen Elkins
100 Bible Heroes, 100 Bible Songs by Stephen Elkins
The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine F. Vos
The Family Prayer Bible by Elmer L. Towns
Good Devotionals for BOYS during their Elementary Years…
(to read out loud or for them to begin to read on their own)
His Mighty Warrior by Sheri Rose Shepherd*
Raising a Modern Day Knight by Robert Lewis (We did this as a family.)
The Brick Bible (If you haven’t seen this and your boys are into Legos, this is the Old and New Testament stories portrayed in Lego “comic” strip form. Our boys have saturated the use of these books…enjoying reading and re-reading and re-reading the stories. As a result, they can keep all the good and bad kings straight in the Old Testament better than I can. And as teenagers, they still refer to the pictures/portrayals from this.)
30 Things I Need To Tell My Son (Family Christian Stores publication)
Teenage Boys!...Bill Beausay
That’s My Teenage Son…Rick Johnson. (written for moms!)
What a Son Needs From His Mom…Cheri Fuller
What a Difference a Mom Makes…Dr Kevin Leman
Good for middle school/high school BOYS (excellent read aloud or read on their own)
Bob Schultz’s books (outstanding!)
*Note: These authors also have books specifically for raising girls as well.
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