Books our boys enjoyed during 8th grade…
Hardy Boys series books (again and again)
American Adventure series books (again and again)
Ralph Moody series books (again)
The Assassination Plot (Dunlop)
The Golden Lamps (Dunlop)
The Great War (Dunlop)
The Willoughby Bank Robbery (Dunlop)
Night Journeys (Avi)
Alone Yet Not Alone (Leninger)
The Notorious Benedict Arnold (Sheinkin)
Little House by Boston Bay (Wiley)
The Cabin Faced West (Fritz)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor)
The Missing Diamond (Dunlop)
Palm Tree Manhunt (Hutchens)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
The Well (Taylor)
The Land (Taylor)
Which Way to the Wild West (Sheinkin)
Tom Sawyer (Twain)